Predatory plants
الثلاثاء، 19 يناير 2016
الاثنين، 17 أغسطس 2015
- Tree
Trees is a form of plant life, a herbaceous plant taller than the 22:00 grows on land in general and needs to be varying amounts of water.
Trees are generally distinct from the rest of the plant roots and the existence of stem and branches, and as big as the relative size compared with other plants and Kalhachaih Altahalb.kma that the mismatch multiple sizes of trees large and small

Nutrition and digestion process [edit]
The rest of the trees and plants vital process called photosynthesis or (photosynthesis), necessary for the growth of trees and elements (and plants in general) is water, light, carbon dioxide and chloroplasts.
Transport process [edit]
Through the xylem water is transferred to the parts of the tree and (plants in general) to the top of any of the root to the leg to the paper that is, it goes in one direction, and there are three hypotheses proposed for the interpretation of the transfer of water and a height in the high-height trees and these hypotheses are:
2. root pressure
3. The forces of cohesion and adhesion
And purify the air and through the bark tissue is ready transfer of food products, which is a process of photosynthesis, we are ready to move the food down any of the paper to the leg to the root has been moving in all directions, depending on the circumstances
Breathing and gas exchange process [edit]
Some imagine that the trees take carbon dioxide and oxygen only put this belief is false, trees and (generally Alebattat) are taking the oxygen and carbon dioxide put up day and night and at the same time, the process of photosynthesis. As the photosynthesis process faster than breathing the net result for the mutual gases is carbon dioxide and expel oxygen taken

And own compositions for the exchange of gases in the wild trees:
* Stomata: It is a slots up between the internal fabric of paper outside and center, surrounded by all the gaps Bouklitin Harsitan containing a green Alblastaidiat, operating Klitan Alharstan to organize open the mouth and close it, Fa filled Hatana Alkhaliat water to open the gap and if the water came out closed the gap
* Lentoids: They are no holes in the legs with a hard trees in the outer layer and the function of gas exchange.
* Roots: in the process of gas exchange, where the gas can it spread through the membranes moist root hairs.
O operation [edit]
Disposal of solid waste [edit]
The reason for the waste is metabolism, but because the trees rely on carbohydrates and not on protein and because the metabolism in the slower ones in the animal trees they do not cause damage to the trees cells so the waste can Taatba in the trees cells and then get rid of them once part of the life cycle experienced by the trees. Ka that Taatkhalsam trees of waste in several ways vary depending on the type of trees.
Get rid of the excess water [edit]
It is to get rid of excess water in two ways transpiration process and the process of Aladmaa.
Several trees play a front-line roles, both ecologically (environmental) or economic. As the world's tallest trees exist in proximity to the city of San Francisco, California.
Ecological role (environmental) [edit]
Trees contribute to the ecological balance.
Working on soil stabilization.
Absorb carbon dioxide from the air and put (O2) in the light of day.
Absorbs excess water on the surface of the earth to prevent eroded.
There are species of trees such as the elimination able to germs and viruses including produced from materials such as pine trees, poplar, willow and eucalyptus and oak, cypress, juniper and bananas
Economic role [edit]
The production of wood for industry.
Source of many medicines.
Fruit, gum, produces cork.
A source of grazing and firewood production.
The wood of the most important products of trees and shrubs forest was brought Aharajeon traditional management and exploitation of natural forests and artificial woodlots for timber production primarily because of the article of importance in people's lives has been used human wood of old in swidden In construction and in the furniture industry and in craft industries, as spread the use of wood in abundance in the last century in the paper industry and Alsllowes derivatives and wood peeling ......... etc. In addition to wood, the trees and shrubs a variety of non-wood forest products used in human food and animal feed and in a wide range of industries such as tanning and cork, soap and glue in the food and pharmaceutical industries and aromatic. This is what gives the forest for the trees with special economic importance as a source of raw materials that the human needs in his daily life and the diversity of industrial activities and the development of its economy. This is in addition to the significant role played by trees and ornamental shrubs in the forest and in city planning and planting public streets, roads and protect it from dust and noise. Natural forests are a source of inexhaustible ornamental woody species forms crown and its leaves and trunk, length and color flowers and types of resistance to wind, fire and air pollution and noise.
The diverse use you find trees and shrubs forest in the life of contemporary societies gives Dndrologia or (flag trees) is particularly important, making us develop our study of forest trees and shrubs with the aid of modern means in the ratings and in environmental studies.
The plant
26th September 2014
Pine Cone Dynamite
Clarisse Demory boosts pollination in Villa Lena
While autumn begins in the North Hemisphere, male pine cones are exploding in the southerly latitudes. While in Villa Lena, last spring Clarisse Demory played with the Tuscan gardeners as they threw stones at a pine tree crowded with male cones loaded with pollen. These have nothing to do with the solid female cones one [...]
31st July 2014
Destruction in the City
Jeanette Farrell uncovers a new leaf in the life of one rescued office plant.
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20th May 2014
The Plant #06 – The Spider
Join us at Claire de Rouen Books!
Find Issue 6 pink with the candy floss splendour of Japanese cherry blossom, assorted orchids at RHS Kew and the domestic charm of bad mothers everywhere: the spider plant. Photographer Daisuke Hamada captures Sakura, while Coke Bartrina and Enrique Giner de los Rios guide us through the multiple landscapes of Mexico City. French artist Camille [...]
19th March 2014
Adventures in Cholla Garden
Photographer Coke Bartrina visits Joshua Tree National Park and gets spiked by a cactus
This month I went to visit Joshua Tree National Park in California. I’ve never been to the desert before and it fascinated me. There’s a place called Cholla Garden and it’s full of cholla cacti, known for their long cylindrical stems and determined barbed spines that stick to skin and clothing. Some of them fall [...]
11th March 2014
Lost Paradise
A Compilation of Film Celebrates the Garden
Ignacio Somovilla – garden researcher and contributor to THE PLANT- curates Lost Paradise, a compilation of ten films that explore the garden as an artistic creation. The themes are garden as metaphor; as satire; as cinematic scene; and as a political space or as a space for individual claims. Somovilla asks whether everything may be possible through gardening. [...]
18th February 2014
In Blazing Colour
In dreary February, Carol Montpart recalls a trip in the hot splendour of Thailand's biggest flower market
In Bangkok, the best place for flowers is Pak Khlong Talat flower market, a riot of aroma and colour. It was one of my favourite visits in the Thai capital, with its endless piles of delicate orchids, rows of roses and stacks of button carnations, all against a very industrial back drop. You can also [...]
10th February 2014
Flowers for Freedom
Every day, Ai Weiwei protests against Chinese authorities with fresh flowers
Remember that every morning since November 30th 2013, Ai Weiwei has placed a bouquet of fresh flowers in the basket of a bicycle outside No.258 Caochangdi studio, Beijing. He will continue do so until he regains his freedom to travel. You can follow his images on
12th December 2013
Wrap your Christmas in Boughs of Spruce
We speak with florist Emma Newton about her seasonal arrangements
When we celebrated the launch of issue 5 at Artwords bookshop, we called on the perceptive eye of florist Emma Newton to select the right plants for the occasion. In the run up to Christmas, designer Margaret Howell has asked Emma to decorate all her shops in London for the festive season. Here, we drop [...]
16th October 2013
The Plant #05 – Banana
Join us in Artwords Bookshop in London!
Join THE PLANT to celebrate our fifth edition at Artwords Bookshop, Broadway Market, London on Thursday 17th. For this special event Emma Newton will bring the most beautiful flower arrangements and we will all enjoy a drink to present our latest issue, which travels the world in search of the extraordinary in the ordinary. We [...]
7th August 2013
How to Build a Tree House for a Writer
Jeannette Farrell discovers a nest suspended from the branch of an old oak
Dorset is a beautiful part of the world. Last week, while the temperature in London crept slovenly higher, a thick and cool fog floated in from the English Channel and swallowed up an oak forest at Hooke Park by the sea where two architects, Nozomi Nakabayashi and Elizabeth Cunningham, are building a tree house [...]
4th July 2013
Nesting in Boxwood
A midsummer's night at Balmoral with topiary master Charlotte Molesworth
Last weekend we camped in ‘The Garden of England’, or more specifically a patch that is Charlotte Molesworth’s topiary garden in Beneden, Kent. When we say ‘camped’ we mean slept soundly on goose down, under hop-lined rafters, enjoying all mod cons, in a converted barn in Charlotte’s garden. The weather was glorious! We took long [...]
4th June 2013
Chez Boutemy
The Plant calls on the Belgian florist at his new shop in Brussels
Last May we payed a visit to Thierry Boutemy’s new premises at 375 rue Vanderkindere – B1180 Uccle in Brussels. We were welcomed by a symphony of colour – the small blue flower of forget-me-not, candy coloured sweet pea, members of the buttercup family (clematis, periwinkle), and woodland dwellers foxglove, peony and ruby aquilegia each [...]
29th May 2013
APE#021: The Room
by Jurgen Maelfeyt
The Room is a collection of 300 decontextualized images of plants or room views taken from books found on flea markets. The book is not a reproduction of an existing collection but the result of a research project by Jurgen Maelfeyt. The Room focusses on product photography and coloring in the history of book production. Published [...]
13th May 2013
The Original Patterns
The Whitechapel Gallery in London exhibits Karl Bossfeldt's plant portraits
Despite being recognised today as one of the pioneers of photography, Karl Blossfeldt (1865-1932) never considered himself as a photographer. As a sculptor and modeller, working in the arts and crafts German tradition, he used flowers and plants as inspiration for his works. It was in the late 1890’s when Blossfeldt started to photograph wild [...]
29th April 2013
The Prickly Pear
Noni Bonilla Gutierrez shows us how to prepare nopales in the Mexican state of Oaxaca
This is Noni Bonilla-Gutiérrez. THE PLANT met her at Mercado Juarez in Porto Escondito, Mexico where she has had her pitch on the north-eastern corner of the market for the last 40 years. We asked if she would show us how to prepare nopales and she obliged without a second thought, for a small ‘mordida’ [...]
10th April 2013
Brutto Gusto
A place where plants receive sculpture to achieve their perfect form
When Geer Pouls founded Brutto Gusto as an art gallery and studio in the 1970s he started the flowershop as a ‘joke’, thinking it would last six months. Over four decades later THE PLANT stands in Pouls’ gallery surrounded in living colour, a setting where ‘flowerpieces’ coexist with man made objects, as natural works of [...]
16th March 2013
The Plant #04 – Marantha
Join us in Berlin at Do You Read Me?!
Join THE PLANT to celebrate the launch of issue # 4 at Do You Read Me?!, Berlin on Saturday 23rd of March. We are very excited to present the magazine together with an exhibition showcasing new artwork by British artist Linder Sterling. It’s our pleasure to present contributions from artist Wolfgang Tillmans, a prose poem by Tilda Swindon, dedicated to [...]
3rd March 2013
The Secret Life of Plants
Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird: Can Plants Read Your Mind?
In this imaginative, beautifully illustrated work the book’s authors explore the possibility that plants are emotional beings, capable of experiencing pain and fear like we do. Largely dismissed at the time of publication as pseudoscience the book’s theories are based on experiments by 18th century scientist and science fiction writer, Jagadish Chandra Bose and ex-CIA [...]
20th February 2013
‘Adeline for Leaves’
Jodie Kharas interviews emerging filmmaker Jessica Sarah Rinland about her latest project
From where did the concept for ‘Adeline’ germinate? My mother, having moved to the UK from Argentina in her 30s, has always felt displaced. She feels like a foreigner in the UK and Argentina has changed so much since the 1980s that she feels distant there too. Her garden is really where she feels most [...]
17th December 2012
Glimpse of the Garden
Marie Menken: The everyday act as an act of art
Marie Menken was a pioneer of experimental film in the New York avant-garde scene; known as The Body by Andy Warhol and her peers she struck an imposing figure at a formidable six-foot-two inches tall. Her marriage to poet Willard Maas and their wicked arguments inspired playwright Edward Albee’s Who’s Afraid of Viriginia Woolf and her salon-home [...]
20th September 2012
The Plant Issue 03
Join us tomorrow at 0fr. Paris !
Here we come again. The Plant Journal turns into The Plant and will be launching its new issue with a Grand Picnic on Saturday 22th of September at the terrace 0fr. Paris. Cécile Daladier and Nicolas Soulier from Assaï will bring cuttings and their ceramics, turning the event into a whole weekend full of plants [...]
Cover story: Looking for agaves in Cap de Creus
The agave takes decades to flourish and once it does, dies
Last summer we went to Cap de Creus with photographer Coke Bartrina. It’s a very peculiar natural reserve in the North of the Costa Brava, almost like a lunar desert between the Mediterranean and the Pyrenees. The sun, the sea, the rocks and the sparse vegetation carved by the Tramuntana wind makes this area a [...]
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